The topic I chose to talk about is neither juicy nor is spicy. It is bland coz it doesn’t talk about a thing, or maybe nothing, divorced from human knowledge, or consciousness, if you like, that is at the ‘core’ of human existence. What is it like living the unknown or a zero plane! Why on earth should anyone strive for it! Is it kinda liberation from the tyrannical shackles of the world one has lived this far, and escaping to a label-free, off the anchor world like kite-off-string, and roaming far beyond the territory of the ‘knowledge’? Does this ‘state’ of existence holds the key to harrowing mental health issues many fighting and succumbing to it? Not many people like the ‘arcane’ or ‘dark’ idea of living the unknown, going off-the-string. They want to see their sufferings, pain and miseries go away with their knowledge or consciousness witnessing and judging the complete remedial process without welcoming any change into them. And yet, few go at it – the UNKNOWN, off-the-string. Many of us dread the thought of going ‘UNKNOWN’ just like an acrophobic runs miles away from flying. To them, all talks about it are crap, loads of shit. So, be it.
Let me come straight, I make no claim nor do I subscribe to any such claim that anyone who has wriggled himself free from tangled web of human created knowledge land ups in the colorlessly pure plane which happen to be a departure from illusion into ‘reality’. It is likely that he lives in a colorless, zero or unknown ‘state’; a phenomenon which I doubt is completely clear of residual deposit of knowledge, for, if it is so, he can neither recognize it nor can he communicate about it to anyone. He needs human language and knowledge to do that. It may be something like catapulting out of world of knowledge to a knowledge-free world or a world of unknown, and, from whatever plane he exists, beyond or outside the frontiers of his own knowledge, he looks back at the old HIMSELF, and figure out that he had hitherto lived in realm of illusion created by human knowledge and thus deluded himself into calling it ‘LIFE” far removed from the realm of reality. But again, no matter what ‘realm of reality’ or ‘higher plane’ he finds himself in having transcended the human-knowledge, he certainly have walked out of knowledge-induced illusion but not necessarily landed up in the thing called reality (if there is a thing called reality out there!).
That leaves us to face the question, is there a thing outside illusion that we can safely call ‘reality’! And if yes, are we given what it takes to ‘know’ ‘recognize’, or ‘realize’ it? Or, is the thing we call ‘reality’ only an extended or a higher, if you like, or the other face of illusion, or maybe just another myth or belief like many other myths and beliefs! I question all the knower who claims to have experienced ‘reality’ and lived it, what instruments do they have outside human language and human knowledge to ‘know’, ‘recognize’, ‘realize’, and talk about it? Or, should we assume or believe that once we steer clear of the web of human knowledge of the ‘physical world’, some extra tower or radar suddenly spring into action in our head that begin to receive signals or images from a realm of reality!
To me, there is ‘reality’ coz there is ‘illusion. No illusion, no reality! We have created one along the lines of the theory of relativity and created other of necessity to establish the value of the former and then argued us into believing that the world we live in is an illusory world and there is something kinda transcended ‘reality’. I have not an iota of doubt about it that the world everyone ‘thinks’ they live in, issues from their own mind, in turn, woven from their own accumulated knowledge. No matter what state or plane I exist in, complete departure from human knowledge and stripped off everything I have hitherto owned, I still have no way to know whether the state I am in is ‘real’ or ‘illusive’! I may ‘feel’ or ‘sense’ that I am floating in some unusual plane different from the one I was trapped in, but the moment I seek to recognize it and define it, I have no resource other than to fall back on human language and human knowledge. When I am to talk about it I got to use the same language and the same knowledge, injecting messages or images created with the aid of same knowledge into words and phrases of language we communicate in.
So, either are colorful ‘illusions’, lower or transcended, a shift of mode occurs within mind and not beyond mind. To put it this way, all perceptions which necessarily bring human knowledge into play are outright illusions, no doubt about it, and perceptions completely rid of knowledge are state of UNKNOWN, but far from a thing we are made to understand as reality! And, hence, there’s no knowing. I have always been haunted by the question if we are here to KNOW a thing or come, live and go as part of a BIG game. I got the answer and no longer in doubt.
Let’s get back to the topic ‘living the unknown’. No one living in the cocoon of illusion or more precisely ‘comfort zone’ has ever ventured out of it into the unknown entirely of their own volition. They have done so only when they ceased to be comfortable and couldn’t bear it anymore. It is altogether different matter that their mind loaded with knowledge come into play and they can’t help rationalizing their actions and behaviors. Or, apply hindsight wisdom to it! But then again, not everyone flushed out of comfort zone take on this endless journey into the unknown. They quickly cut short their journey and end up finding another comfort zone to replace with. When one of their world is bombed, they create another world to live in. This is how they go. Only the rarest of rare quit the ‘comfort zone’ for good, not out of their own volition, though, and take on a journey to the unknown jettisoning human-created knowledge as they go on and on until they go stark empty of it and walk into the UNKNOWN to take to it as their place of dwelling. It is a long, endless journey bereft of hope, expectations, promises, and return. So, why should the rarest of the rare go at it! We’ll have a look at it in the next writing. Until then……….