Are you in the game or busy writing rules!

Are you in the game or busy writing rules!


They fed to me all bullshit, talked to me loads of crap. I swallowed them all. Some were forced down the throat, others hammered into head, some I grazed like sheep, and some I shoved down the throat to stay fit. I can’t curse them coz I can’t curse a sinking man for not saving me from drowning. And this sinking man can’t curse the other man coz the other had a savage shark after him. The one fighting to escape the shark can’t curse the other man coz the other was fighting to wriggle himself free from the jaw of a crocodile. There’s no help. Everyone fighting their own battle. Nothing else for it but to help oneself out of it all by oneself. This is how we are placed in the game. It is not a team game. It is a game in which everyone got to win their way with their own might. No team work! One got to play the game all by himself.

There’s no foul in the game we are in. You can’t blame anyone for failing to play. The blame goanna do more harm than good. The moments we put into blaming someone or something are the moments converted into our misery. It is a game in which there is no referee nor is there a coach coz all coaches and referees are either chased after by sharks or trapped in jaw of crocodiles, they may put on a gleeful face, though.

All of us, without exception, are in the game. All of us are playing it although only a rare few play by the rule of the game, the majority write their own rules and play by them. They have no choice but to play the game, yet they want to play on their own terms. They not only write their own rules and create conditions, but also knock themselves into shape to play it. A rare few understand true nature of the game and their own core nature and play the game with ease and without a quarrel. They know they can’t be more fit to the game the way they are built. They play and go quietly making little or no noise. Those who have written their own rules, set their own conditions, keep shifting the goalpost and blaming the pitch for failing them. They grunt and grumble, sulk and suffer.

It is a game that everyone is in. It is a game that produces no winner and no loser. Some play long, some play short.  That’s it.

It is a game without spectators or commentators. Everyone is right there in the pitch. Everyone is equipped with what it takes to play the game. They don’t need boots and gloves.  Those that write their own rule play with boots and gloves on, other few play bare feet and hand. No room for comment and feedback. One must keep playing until the game is over.

One needs not to be taught on how to play it coz he’s already in the pitch. No room for learning nor are there any teachers to teach. Those that claim they know the tricks of playing are fools. They are myopic to the fact that they are sinking, drowning, there’s savage shark after them, or trapped in the jaw of a crocodile.

The game is on. We have no choice but to play it. We’re already in it. We need to understand the nature of the game and our own true nature. We need to understand it that the origin of us and the game is one and the same. There’s no need to write any rules. The pitch is there. The game is there. The rules are there. And we are there. All we need to do is to play it quietly and go without making much noise.



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