GREAT three Teachers

GREAT three Teachers

No, not a Zen master, nor an Indian Guru, or a Tibetan monk! None of the likes! A MANGO, a KITE and bunch of COINs! Yes, they were the GREAT three teachers.  They chose different segments of time – Dawn, Noon and Dusk – to deliver three TEACHINGS, separately, to me. It is those teachings that knocked the THING into the type and shape, if you like, that I am today. The MANGO taught me that a PURE WISH sans…

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I can drink in her beauty but can’t rape her

I can drink in her beauty but can’t rape her

I know, not of course going by the mind route or groping around dark tunnel of consciousness, nor hobbling my way on a crutch of thoughts or flying on wings of imagination, that I have not yet discovered any such thing that I can confidently call ‘HAPPINESS’ with a certain degree of certainty. Or maybe, I have this congenital inability to know, sense, feel or recognize it. If that is the case, why am I talking shit and sowing thorns…

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Is there a thing called Psychology!

Is there a thing called Psychology!

The word ‘psychology’ really fucks me up. In my days, the word psychology would seldom if ever escape lips of a person, these days everyone runs off at mouth about it. There’s been rush on schools teaching the trick of the mental trade like psycho-counseling, psycho-therapy, clinical counseling, CBT and all that jazz. Boys and girls moving mountains to get admission in schools of psychology think they are betting on right pony. Perhaps, they have put it into their head…

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Why does one walk into UNKNOWN

Why does one walk into UNKNOWN

There is this question. Why do the rarest of the rare from the thing called ‘humans’ walk into the unknown in spite of everything the KNOWN has in store for them! Or, why do they strip away every layer of grandeur, glamour, and riches that they hitherto gloated about, treasured, and proud themselves on and go naked! One can hardly find an example of a ‘pauper’ or a ‘tramp’ taking on this type of journey which is empty of hope,…

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The topic I chose to talk about is neither juicy nor is spicy. It is bland coz it doesn’t talk about a thing, or maybe nothing, divorced from human knowledge, or consciousness, if you like, that is at the ‘core’ of human existence. What is it like living the unknown or a zero plane! Why on earth should anyone strive for it! Is it kinda liberation from the tyrannical shackles of the world one has lived this far, and escaping…

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‘What if’ I ‘let go’!  

‘What if’ I ‘let go’!  

Everyone out there say ‘let go’ and you drop into lap of peace and happiness. More than everyone quarrel night and day with ‘what if’ they let go. This ‘what if’ is an ugly hook that they find difficult to let go off. If only they could get past this ‘what if’, they could sail through ‘let go’. ‘Let go’ appears to be a scary free fall with nothing to break it! In this little piece, we revolve our talks…

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Are you in the game or busy writing rules!

Are you in the game or busy writing rules!

  They fed to me all bullshit, talked to me loads of crap. I swallowed them all. Some were forced down the throat, others hammered into head, some I grazed like sheep, and some I shoved down the throat to stay fit. I can’t curse them coz I can’t curse a sinking man for not saving me from drowning. And this sinking man can’t curse the other man coz the other had a savage shark after him. The one fighting…

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Difficult people are blessings in disguise!

Difficult people are blessings in disguise!

  It is only difficult people that can bring out the real being of a person. It is beyond the Saints to do this nor is it within the power of Mystics and Monks. They could be the jewel in the crown of the Messiahs but what turns a stone into a gem are difficult men. It is in the nature of things, real men are shaped at the hands of hard men. It is they who help evolve the…

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How can you live when your home is hell!

How can you live when your home is hell!

This is about this gorgeous, young, smart girl with a beautiful mind. This 22 years old young woman, graduated from a reputed college, in her prime reached the end of her rope and was about to put an end to it. What was it that pushed her to the cliff edge at this age while she is yet to see the world! None other than her own father! His day-in, day-out snarky remarks, taunts, and jibes tore at her heart…

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Want peace! Pay the price!  

Want peace! Pay the price!  

  Inner peace is dream for many and living reality for a few.  Dragging oneself through the delusory world fighting it inch by inch only to find their own existence a crushing burden that gets more than they can bear and many a miserable soul desperate to throw everything aside and get away from it all to take a dip in the oasis of peace. A rare few make it, every tormented soul crave for it though. Up for sale,…

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