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Tag: Psychology

How can I forgive or forget when it hurts so much!

How can I forgive or forget when it hurts so much!

Forgive or Forget! One of them has roots in religion, the other needs not have roots, yet yields fruits. Hardly is there a religion anywhere in the world of humans that don’t sing paean of forgiveness. The sermon that asks one to forgive but not forget is stressed in many a societies which, too, not surprisingly, find their origin in religion. Forgiveness is something bred into people by faith, and hence, sacrosanct. And yet, nine out of ten people don’t…

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Use a Safety pin to pick the thorn off your sole and throw them both away!

Use a Safety pin to pick the thorn off your sole and throw them both away!

My daughter is a psychologist. She’s is a sociologist before a psychologist. She went around wearing ‘sociology’ tag for quite a while, didn’t find many takers for it. She was put in a convent school run by nuns who hammered into her the motto ‘service to man is service to god’. That put the germ of social work into her head and it nudged her into taking Sociology as her best bet. It was not to be. Holding her master’s…

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Feelings are like hay-stack, a spark of thought sets them into flames

Feelings are like hay-stack, a spark of thought sets them into flames

Feelings, Emotions and Thoughts are three important factors that govern the thing that we wrongly or rightly think we are and are responsible for giving the thing a hellish, an earthly or a heavenly living. Some live in hell, others in earthly plane and a few in heaven, no way to know who is living where, though. All the three places are just the state or plane of existence of a being only he or she is in the know,…

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Do you ‘understand’!  

Do you ‘understand’!  

  At school as kid I had to answer the question in the affirmative as many times as a pressure cooker blow whistles cooking dal. The questions coming from teachers, the likes of those that bring back memories of lazy rhino wallowing in the mud on a safari, wielding a cane while their beady, glaring eyes looking over glasses gave palpitations and the quivering lips could hardly afford a ‘No’. A ‘Yes’ would be the wisest course of action as…

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Smash down the wall you hide behind

Smash down the wall you hide behind

I know you. I think I know you. You know me. You think you know me. The knowledge I and You arrive at going the thought way is just an accumulation of information we gather, thereby get the brush and color to paint a picture of the object we observe and store in memory. And, we do it aided by some other supplementary knowledge already acquired through cognitive development or imprinted on our mind by people, events, or surrounding that…

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