Family support to mentally ill. Some hot tips.

Family support to mentally ill. Some hot tips.

Let me come clean about it at the outset that I am not a psychiatrist or a psychologist or a spiritualist or a Guru or a Yogi or a philosopher, none of them.  I don’t earn my bread from this trade, nor do they bring in anything to me. The one truth that I know is that I know nothing. I am not interested in knowing things, no problem at not knowing them. And yet I look at this topic…

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The moment is my sanctum. I can’t take you in there.

The moment is my sanctum. I can’t take you in there.

  ‘I’ve never seen you low or down nor ever on high! Do I take you as someone who have been emotion-free all through? This man, who seldom opened his mouth and when and if he did barely a word or two escaped his lips, made the last response minutes before he was gone. He spoke to me at some length in the hospital lying on his death-bed. No family, no friends, him and me and a nurse to behold…

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I’d rather gladly go to hell than go shivering in heaven

I’d rather gladly go to hell than go shivering in heaven

  I needed to earn a bit extra so I taught literature and linguistics as a part-timer in a Government college. The shitty thing about this educational business as with other businesses is that you can’t afford to be a chooser. It is take it or leave it thing. They gave me classes on the morning shift in the months of December and January. So be it! The drudgery would ask of me to kick off the feathery blanket with…

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Life is all about cupping the sky in hand

Life is all about cupping the sky in hand

‘The sky is high from where I look at it but it must be coming down somewhere near or faraway! It can’t hang up there just like that! Something must be holding its weight somewhere.’ A stray thought flitted through my mind, didn’t go away or rather grew strong when I was barely 9. I infected two of my mates with the thought. Three ‘crazy’ kids set off for the discovery. We took with us three bags full of roasted…

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A dialogue between The Yogi and the Russian Monk

A dialogue between The Yogi and the Russian Monk

  A friend of mine is a Yogi. I’ve known him from the time when not even a ghost of the idea of a Yogi was anywhere near his head. Then, he was a family man. He is now hailed as an accomplished Yogi, wears long hair coming down to his waist and black beard with streaks of grey brushing his chest. His get-up gives him an aura of a mystic, attract people whose minds he is said to set…

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Why I is the deadly foe of the thing that it is

Why I is the deadly foe of the thing that it is

I gets angry, envious, jealous, excited, mad, dirty, frustrated, disappointed, depressed, anxious and hell of other things! I likes, dislikes, loves, hates and does hell of other things! I thinks, meditates, transcends, descends, reasons, calculates, figures out, concludes and does hell of other things! I feels down, up, high, low, and hell of other things! I is big, small, good, bad, euphoric, dysphoric, and hell of other things! Now it is this I that sets the stage or is a…

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Happiness bound to bed, Joy bouncing around

Happiness bound to bed, Joy bouncing around

Tony and I grew up about the same time in one and the same neighborhood. Getting to his house on foot from mine would take as many ticking of seconds as it takes to boil an egg. His was a shelter nowhere near a house but more than a hovel, squeezed between a group of back to back tall houses like a lamb in the herd of camels, non-plastered, made of home-made, unbaked bricks with a roof of iron-sheet over…

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The Man who crossed the Difference to achieve Oneness

The Man who crossed the Difference to achieve Oneness

  My job ran me into this man. By job I mean the development consultancy. Or otherwise, I take any job up for grabs, just anything, for jobs are scarce, little going on, and no dearth of people to take the bread out of your mouth. So, that’s it. This man was not someone I was after. Nowhere in my head was he when I was ready for the off, nor had any idea that I would bump into him….

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Blind mind with a purpose. Looking for a cure!

Blind mind with a purpose. Looking for a cure!

  Last autumn, I was with a friend of mine roaming the lanes of Lumbini, the holy birth-place of Buddha. As I myself come from this place, I call round to my village every year before Xmas. This time Steve was with me. He is from Lyon, France. For some obscure reason Steve has taken up with Buddhism. He meditates, performs yoga, chants arcane mantra, follow some weird rituals, and walks on naked feet on the premises of the holy…

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Smash down the wall you hide behind

Smash down the wall you hide behind

I know you. I think I know you. You know me. You think you know me. The knowledge I and You arrive at going the thought way is just an accumulation of information we gather, thereby get the brush and color to paint a picture of the object we observe and store in memory. And, we do it aided by some other supplementary knowledge already acquired through cognitive development or imprinted on our mind by people, events, or surrounding that…

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