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Author: Prakash Dahal

Born at Kapilvastu, now a Buddhist pilgrimage site, the soil where prince Siddhartha Gautama grew up before taking to the wood, I had humble childhood, everything just enough to scrape along. Quite early on, I began to question everything (the system, the order, the path they set my feet on, and the values they shackled my feet with). And, I turned in on my own mind. A promising boy I was though, I hardly had any interest left for anything. The order in which I was brought up ceased to mean anything to me. . I never really got on with anyone. My ways ran me into what they now call mental health problem. I crashed. I had terrible anxiety disorder, paranoia, hallucinations and so on. I saw black in every bright. I brought off the thing called "me" out of it through submission and "Let Go". Thereafter, I've lived (if this thing called "me" is living at all) through and against all odds. I stumbled across so many tempting things and got caught up, like hitting a turbulence and then finding smooth sail. Nothing held me back from moving on. Still going, not knowing where and when this would stop. Perhaps I would never know if I've fallen. Everything is just wonderful nothing to a quiet head. No crutch borrowed to lean on. Take things as they come and move on without getting attached to anything. The thing that emerges from empty nothingness is the something that gonna blaze your trail.
Take pity on your body. You and your mind have put it through a lot

Take pity on your body. You and your mind have put it through a lot

I, my mind, and my body, are above all to me. Wonder anyone would take exception to that! I doubt they are sincere to it, though! I wouldn’t bet on it. Let’s not bring God in here. God is nearly always abused for an excuse. Three constituents are put together to make one single entity. The sum total of three – me, my mind, and my body – is what we largely are. Like it or not! It is in the…

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Care givers to Mental Health Patients. Can you push the limit beyond textbook?

Care givers to Mental Health Patients. Can you push the limit beyond textbook?

  This episode under wraps which I now choose to blow the cover of revolves around a HERO, not from a flick though, but a common herd that you push your way through every day – any Tom, Dick and Harry. This cool, saintly person whose first name is Tyagi has visceral dislike (so, I reckon) of letting anyone in on things he’s buried in his chest. He’d rather take them to his grave than to whisper a word about…

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