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Author: Prakash Dahal

Born at Kapilvastu, now a Buddhist pilgrimage site, the soil where prince Siddhartha Gautama grew up before taking to the wood, I had humble childhood, everything just enough to scrape along. Quite early on, I began to question everything (the system, the order, the path they set my feet on, and the values they shackled my feet with). And, I turned in on my own mind. A promising boy I was though, I hardly had any interest left for anything. The order in which I was brought up ceased to mean anything to me. . I never really got on with anyone. My ways ran me into what they now call mental health problem. I crashed. I had terrible anxiety disorder, paranoia, hallucinations and so on. I saw black in every bright. I brought off the thing called "me" out of it through submission and "Let Go". Thereafter, I've lived (if this thing called "me" is living at all) through and against all odds. I stumbled across so many tempting things and got caught up, like hitting a turbulence and then finding smooth sail. Nothing held me back from moving on. Still going, not knowing where and when this would stop. Perhaps I would never know if I've fallen. Everything is just wonderful nothing to a quiet head. No crutch borrowed to lean on. Take things as they come and move on without getting attached to anything. The thing that emerges from empty nothingness is the something that gonna blaze your trail.
The Headmaster showed me way to live, I showed him way to die

The Headmaster showed me way to live, I showed him way to die

  Last week, I went to see the headmaster of the school that I went as kid in late 70s. He’s pushing 90 now. This short and swift man in a shape hiding age, smartly dressed as a matter of routine, was terror of a man in those days. A glimpse of him on the school premises would chill the bone of even the cockiest and cheekiest, forget about the herd of lamb and sheep shaking in their boots and…

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How can I forgive or forget when it hurts so much!

How can I forgive or forget when it hurts so much!

Forgive or Forget! One of them has roots in religion, the other needs not have roots, yet yields fruits. Hardly is there a religion anywhere in the world of humans that don’t sing paean of forgiveness. The sermon that asks one to forgive but not forget is stressed in many a societies which, too, not surprisingly, find their origin in religion. Forgiveness is something bred into people by faith, and hence, sacrosanct. And yet, nine out of ten people don’t…

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Do you ‘know’ anything?

Do you ‘know’ anything?

Someone in Linked-In, not from my connection though, advised me to read books to ‘know’ what this person was posting about. Quite interesting! I replied to the person that I don’t read books. I made a forthright response with humility and grace. This person made no response nor did I wait for one. And then, I grew interested in knowing this ‘know’. This person who asked me to read books is ‘in the know’ and I am out of the…

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Living in stress or existing in joy!

Living in stress or existing in joy!

We are thoughts or we are nothing! We are anything but thoughts! One way or the other, thoughts are engine and we are wagon, like it or not! We don’t run thoughts. It is the other way round. It is thoughts that tell us what or who we are. What we are here for! What is our purpose and pursuit! We come and go. Thoughts live on, stubborn, obstinate, don’t go away. They don’t come with us nor do they…

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Harvest happiness by ruling the unruly mind

Harvest happiness by ruling the unruly mind

  1By an ugly twist of fate, so to say, I got sucked up into what you may construe as my irresistible or indefatigable interest in the thing called mind. If only I had not been put through what I did I swear that I’d rather chop my limb off than to walk down this painful pathways of exploring mind. I pray that nobody sit around looking into his/her own mind. It is to a man or woman like a…

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Use a Safety pin to pick the thorn off your sole and throw them both away!

Use a Safety pin to pick the thorn off your sole and throw them both away!

My daughter is a psychologist. She’s is a sociologist before a psychologist. She went around wearing ‘sociology’ tag for quite a while, didn’t find many takers for it. She was put in a convent school run by nuns who hammered into her the motto ‘service to man is service to god’. That put the germ of social work into her head and it nudged her into taking Sociology as her best bet. It was not to be. Holding her master’s…

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Feelings are like hay-stack, a spark of thought sets them into flames

Feelings are like hay-stack, a spark of thought sets them into flames

Feelings, Emotions and Thoughts are three important factors that govern the thing that we wrongly or rightly think we are and are responsible for giving the thing a hellish, an earthly or a heavenly living. Some live in hell, others in earthly plane and a few in heaven, no way to know who is living where, though. All the three places are just the state or plane of existence of a being only he or she is in the know,…

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Do you ‘understand’!  

Do you ‘understand’!  

  At school as kid I had to answer the question in the affirmative as many times as a pressure cooker blow whistles cooking dal. The questions coming from teachers, the likes of those that bring back memories of lazy rhino wallowing in the mud on a safari, wielding a cane while their beady, glaring eyes looking over glasses gave palpitations and the quivering lips could hardly afford a ‘No’. A ‘Yes’ would be the wisest course of action as…

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‘Now’ is a column on which ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Tomorrow’ surmounts. Knock the column down!

‘Now’ is a column on which ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Tomorrow’ surmounts. Knock the column down!

  They say things like ‘power of now’, ‘no yesterday, no tomorrow, only now’, ‘grab now and live blissfully in it’, ‘yesterday gives depression and tomorrow gives anxiety’, so on and so forth. I can’t resist temptation of looking at this ‘Now’. And that brings several questions leaping and bouncing in my head. Is there a thing called ‘Now’ independent of ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Tomorrow’?  Or is it ‘Now’ that holds ‘yesterday and tomorrow” or vice versa? Can we really separate…

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I am given 90 minutes to play and score

I am given 90 minutes to play and score

I believe in God. If I pick the word ‘believe’ off the four letter starting sentence, the remaining three letters will mean ‘I in God or God in me.’ Looking purely from the syntactic viewpoint, belief appears to be unnecessary, and thus more of a liability than an asset in reaching anywhere near God, for it stands between I and my God as the Berlin Wall. If this wall of belief is not there between me and my God, we…

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